Treat Dandruff and Hair with Care

Treat Dandruff and Hair with Care

Dandruff can be caused due to dry scalp or excessive oily scalp. One needs to get rid of this problem as soon as they arise.

There are some best anti dandruff shampoo for ladies that are available in all the medical stores and most of them are prescribed by the dermatologists. But apart from that there are home remedies to treat dandruff. There are also some basic things that one needs to follow if they want to maintain healthy hair.

Yes, it is true that dandruff has something to do with the exposure of sunlight. Severe dandruff actually gets lessened if the affected person spends more time in the sun. That is why; many dermatologists say that in winter there is tendency towards dandruff because of less sun light and dry weather. So it is a good idea to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes out in the sun light every day. Do not spend too much time because then the UV rays can affect your skin.

Aspirin can also help in removing dandruff. It has a large percentage of salicylic acid which is also used as an active ingredient in all the anti dandruff shampoos. This has a fungicidal and anti microbial property which fights the extra flakes caused by the fungus. One needs to take 2 aspirins and crush them well until they become fine powder. Then one has to mix it with the mild shampoo and use it twice a week for the dandruff treatment.

Many people do not know that the digestive system is actually connected to your hair growth. The better the stomach health you have, the good and healthy your hair is. That is why; you need to add some things in your regular diet. One needs to add more proteins and iron based foods like banana, fish, leafy vegetables, milk and cheese to their regular eating habits. If you eat more junk and oily food, it will directly affect your hair. So, eat healthy to have healthy hair. Also if one eats healthy, the scalp also remains healthy and this prevents the growth of fungus that creates dandruff accumulation.
For good hair growth one can use a good homemade hair pack. This one needs curd and Shikakai as the main ingredients to make this homemade hair pack. Curd has goodness of milk and so in turn it helps the hair follicles to grow faster. Then there is shikakai which helps to reduce the attack of dandruffs on your scalp. It also protects your hair from growing split ends. One has to take half a cup of shikakai and half cup of curd and mix them well. Apply it on the hair strands and let it dry. Wash your hair well with cold water after 40 minutes.

It is also necessary to use good quality shampoo and conditioners to treat your hair well. One can also use shampoo ketomac to fight dandruff on their scalp. But this shampoo is supposed to be used with a mix of any daily mild shampoo.


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