
Showing posts from August, 2019

Know All About Ketoconazole Shampoo

Ketoconazole shampoo is a medicated shampoo that is used to treat medical hair and scalp ailments like fungal infections. Stubborn scalp conditions like dandruff, itchiness, psoriasis and more can also be treated. Different types of ketoconazole shampoos are available; some can be purchased by visiting a medical shop, while others require prescriptions. Uses of Ketoconazole Shampoo ·          Psoriasis – psoriasis is a clinical condition where the inflammation of the scalp occurs further causing itchiness, redness, flaky scalp and skin plaques. Yeast often attacks the skin causing these plaques. For psoriasis treatment prescription may be required to purchase a shampoo. ·          Tinea infections – tinea infections are of various types. In general, they are ringworm like fungal infections grown on the scalp. This is also caused by yeast which lives naturally on your skin. When the yeast is unb...

Possible Causes Of White Hair And How To Eradicate It

Yes once you age your hair is bound to become white. When you are young you might have a head full of black, blonde or brown hair. But once you become older, the colour would change to white. Now you might be thinking what are the reasons for white hair? Hair follicles are full of pigment cells termed as melanin. These cells are known to be related to the colour of your hair. In due course of time the hair folliciles tend to lose colour and the use of the best medicated shampoo India can help you cope up with issues of dandruff. What are the reasons for white hair when you are young? White hair is all the more common in people who possess a dark skin colour. Though this is related to ageing, white strands of hair can emerge at any point of time even if you happen to be in college or high school. If you happen to be a teenager you can go on to find a single strand of hair.   There are a host of ways by which you can go on to figure out pigmentation but the focus is mor...

Get Dandruff-Free Colored hair With Ketomac Shampoo

Coloring hair is the latest fashion. The vibrant color on your hair makes your hair look beautiful and you easily catch everyone's attention towards you. After coloring your hair, have you been noticing dandruff on your scalp? You must be thinking that you use the best shampoo and you get the color treatment on your hair from one of the best salons, still what makes dandruff erupt? If you are susceptible to dandruff, then you will more likely to be the victim of dandruff. Most of the people who color their hair often complain about dandruff. Is there a way out of eliminating dandruff? Let us know how to stop dandruff on color-treated hair in the following lines. Note on dandruff You might be observing flakes on the scalp when you brush your hair. The flakes are the dead skin cells which are known as dandruff. People notice various dandruff-like symptoms on their scalp. The main cause of dandruff is Malassezia fungus which sticks around the oily scalp. If your scalp p...

The Use Of The Best Dandruff Shampoo For Your Oily Hair

Are you of the opinion that your hair is oily? The obvious signs are that you might be irritated if your hair feels odd or sticky! The choice of the best dandruff shampoo for men in India might be an apt solution. But be aware that there are different types of hair as your hair can be dry, oily or even a combination of both of them. In case if you are facing issues with dandruff and are known to have an oily or dry hair then you are not exploring well. When you are going to use a dandruff shampoo for mens in India you tend to keep your hair clean , hygiene or even shiny. These are shampoos that are safe, effective and ensure proper care of your hair. Oily hair cannot be considered as a problem A lot of people face up to the issues of a lot of oil on their hair. Obviously you are not in a position to be choosing your scalp type. The type of scalp that god has provided to you have to be contented with. A set of precautions have to be taken for the proper upkeep of your hair...