Get Dandruff-Free Colored hair With Ketomac Shampoo

Coloring hair is the latest fashion. The vibrant color on your hair makes your hair look beautiful and you easily catch everyone's attention towards you. After coloring your hair, have you been noticing dandruff on your scalp? You must be thinking that you use the best shampoo and you get the color treatment on your hair from one of the best salons, still what makes dandruff erupt? If you are susceptible to dandruff, then you will more likely to be the victim of dandruff. Most of the people who color their hair often complain about dandruff. Is there a way out of eliminating dandruff? Let us know how to stop dandruff on color-treated hair in the following lines.

Note on dandruff

You might be observing flakes on the scalp when you brush your hair. The flakes are the dead skin cells which are known as dandruff. People notice various dandruff-like symptoms on their scalp. The main cause of dandruff is Malassezia fungus which sticks around the oily scalp. If your scalp produces natural oils excessively, then you will experience the issue of dandruff on and off. In the present days, people of all age groups suffer from dandruff problems. The nasty dandruff develops not only in non-colored hair, but also in the color-treated hair.

Avert scalp irritations

Using hair dyes or colors can irritate your scalp. You can take up some steps in order to stop the irritation on the scalp when you color your hair. Follow the vital steps in mind enumerated below.

* For people who are prone to white flakes are advised to use anti-dandruff shampoo prior two weeks of your hair color.

* Do not apply shampoo two days before coloring your hair. By doing so, you need to retain the natural oils in your scalp by not using shampoo a day before your hair color.

* After you are done with the hate color, make sure to nourish your hair with a good hair moisturizer. For dandruff-affected scalp, a quality hair moisturizer will act best.

Always invest in the Ketomac dandruff shampoo for color-treated hair which will keep your hair healthy and shiny.

Treat dandruff with Ketoconazole

If dandruff is pestering you on end, then your best bet would be to kill dandruff with Ketoconazole which is a power-packed azole antifungal agent which does not allow fungus to develop on the scalp. Ketoconazole belongs to miconazole, itraconazole and fluconazole drugs. If you have any other skin-related issues, then Ketoconazole turns out to be extremely beneficial.

Purchase Ketoconazole shampoo

Grab the best dandruff shampoo for color-treated hair from the renowned online healthcare site. You can be certain of purchasing only authentic Ketomac shampoo products and various other Ketomac healthcare products from the reputable online store. The price of Ketomac shampoo is quite affordable. You can apply this anti fungal shampoo on your color-treated hair and for non-colored hair. If you have skin allergies, then it is advised not to use this shampoo. Follow the right indications as mentioned in the product to get better results. 

Keep dandruff away and flaunt your colored hair from now on with the proper use of Ketoconazole shampoo.


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